We receive a ton of customer lettering requests and sometimes they can be really comical. Boat Names are among my favorite customer projects I see come through our production line. Because unlike other customer projects, almost all boat names are punny and hilarious. Other times they can be simply jaw dropping (read into that however you’d like). Read on to find out what I mean.
There’s something about the high seas that breaks our molds and makes even the most serious of us into Captain Ahab for a day. But that’s why we all love sailing, there’s a real sense of freedom and unambiguity. It should be no surprise then boat lovers the world abroad name their vessels such as, Liberty, Serenity or some other freedom related synonym. When we compiled this list however, we realized there are a special breed of men and women who deserve a handshake and second drink at the bar (because we assume they’ve already had one, when they named their vessel). Without further ado- our Top 10 Boat Names…
Top Ten Boat Names
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So that’s that, what did we miss? What did we get right? Have a favorite we didn’t mention- add it into the comments below. Until we meet again, keep your peg legs firm, your eye patches tight and you’ll always remember this as the time you almost caught Captain Jack —
Don’t forget you can always grab new registration lettering and boat graphics from LetteringOnTheCheap!